
Friday, December 21, 2012

Sunrise > Doomsday

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Well the world didn't end. Photobucket

Surprising to me, I did have a "2012" dream last night. It was a little strange, but... consider the person having the dream.

In this one my mother was present. It was nighttime and we were both outside, looking up at the sky. I saw an object above and pointed towards it, hoping it wasn't something like a UFO.... considering that this was the infamous December 21st date that people have been talking about for years.


As it came closer we realized it wasn't anything all too mysterious, although it was pretty unusual. I say unusual because the object we saw flying in the sky was a man on some kind of flying contraption. It was a bike with a hang glider strung above it. The man was using the pedals, and the glider above was being steered by the wind. (It reminded me of The Wright Brothers 1st plane).

Also, the sky in this dream was pretty. A little bit of blue, some stars, and then the man inside his strange flying machine was like a black silhouette against it all.


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