
Friday, December 21, 2012

Sunrise > Doomsday

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Well the world didn't end. Photobucket

Surprising to me, I did have a "2012" dream last night. It was a little strange, but... consider the person having the dream.

In this one my mother was present. It was nighttime and we were both outside, looking up at the sky. I saw an object above and pointed towards it, hoping it wasn't something like a UFO.... considering that this was the infamous December 21st date that people have been talking about for years.


As it came closer we realized it wasn't anything all too mysterious, although it was pretty unusual. I say unusual because the object we saw flying in the sky was a man on some kind of flying contraption. It was a bike with a hang glider strung above it. The man was using the pedals, and the glider above was being steered by the wind. (It reminded me of The Wright Brothers 1st plane).

Also, the sky in this dream was pretty. A little bit of blue, some stars, and then the man inside his strange flying machine was like a black silhouette against it all.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wanted: Interesting Dreams

I'm afraid my nocturnal ramblings have been fairly lackluster lately. So much so that I'm only going to list the most recent one's.

First, I dreamed that the planet was basically overthrown by aliens. They looked human, but had psychic powers. What was strange was that the majority of them were female. They wore long white robes. In one part of the dream we were all standing by some dock near the water. No one trusted these "aliens," but we were afraid of standing up to them because they were far more advanced than us. They weren't attacking anyone, but we knew they would if we retaliated against them.

I also vaguely remember some guru type man. He was very old and known to everyone as being wise and able to see the future. He told everyone that the Earth was going to be going through some changes, but at the same time people were going to be okay in the bigger picture. He saw this as a good thing. A positive change or cleansing. His language was kind of strange. I can't remember the exact phrasing, but he said something like "The Earth would laugh happy."

Yeah, I know. Strange. Dreams are like that, especially when I'm having them.



This was a nice surprise. I've been a neglectful fan girl of GB this past year, yet the other night I had the most random dream. I dreamed Gerry was on Ellen. As far as I know he's only been on her show once, several years ago.

The next day I decided to look up any appearances for him on tv, and lo and behold there he is listed on a lot of talk shows, including Ellen.

See? If it's something or someone I'm interested in - like Disney or a particular funny Scotsman - I'm a little psychic. It's a pretty useless and silly thing to have, but I'll take it.



The other night one of my dreams was seeing a rabbit. It reminded me of The Velveteen Rabbit, like in the children's book. It was tall and brown, and with a white tummy I think.

For the entire dream I saw it in profile view. All it did was twitch both it's ears in different directions.

Yeah, whatever.
