My dream last night was a little unsettling. My mother and I were in her bathroom, talking after she washed her hair or was getting ready to call it a night. In the middle of just talking about random, daily things she told me she could no longer ignore that there was a spirit in the room that wished to speak to her. Wanting them to leave so that she could get things back to normal, she listened to them.
I don't know what it was they told her, but when they were done I noticed a scene out of some windows. It looked really strange because I was seeing this scene in something like tunnel vision. What I saw was pretty frightening, and it really made me angry that this was going on outside our window while this spirit selfishly took up our time handing over to Mom his message.
By the way, I think his name was Francis.
So I was looking at this scene, and I was frightened because it really looked like the end of the world. In this sort of tunnel vision, I saw an approaching storm. The sky was filled with billowing clouds of red and pink, and they were encroaching closer to us. Suddenly, off in that distance is a red bolt of lightning which struck down to the earth in a straight line. In front of it I saw a white horse trying to beat the storm. It was racing like hell in front of it, and then it zoomed past us. There might have been a small team of horses behind it, but I'm not certain of that.
By this time, Mom is worried and says we need to run to the house NOW to gather up the animals. We call the girls to come inside this screened back door, which they do. Abby was the last one in, and for a second I came close to panicking that she wouldn't come in. Thankfully, I knew that if I remained calm so would she and then she'd come in as directed.
The next thing I remember is seeing this strange wooden door. It was white and the paint was off in a lot of places. Little splinters of wood were poking off it. It was a 2-way folded door, but each side was comprised of several layers of door. (It's hard to describe). It's also a low door, which you have to get on your knees in order to enter the small cupboard/pantry behind it. I'm frantically opening all these doors because my flash drive with all the stories I've written are on there.
After I enter that little closet, the next thing I'm aware of is that the storm must have never reached us because everyone and everything was okay.
Creation of The Universe?
It's no mystery that I've had some very strange dreams in the past, but I believe the one I had last night is at the tippy-top of the Ladder O' Weirdom. Dr. Seuss would have been proud. The first part of this dream was a little fuzzy, which is a shame, but here's what I recall.
Picture a huge, neverending staircase encased in complete darkness... in OUTER SPACE. It's an iron, industrial-like staircase where the steps are covered in a black plastic tarp. These stairs seem to go on for what seems like forever. I'm walking up them, and I'm with a few people. Three or 4 men, and I think one of them is wearing a brown plaid shirt. I can't really see their faces because it's dark and I really am a heck of a lot more interested in viewing my surroundings.
So we're talking and walking up these stairs, and in doing so I'm looking behind me and up. I'm in awe of what I'm seeing; stars and lots of color, because in the distance there's a nebula or something. The colors were gorgeous!
Here's the Dr. Seuss moment.... These men were talking to me about what it was I was seeing all around me. Where we were. It turned out these people were either creating or re-creating THE UNIVERSE. That's right, HUMAN BEINGS creating the flippin' Universe. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I was quite conflicted because the impossible was happening here. I felt like Alice must have felt like when she fell down the rabbit hole.
Now, in my daily life I am not a religious person b/c religion is man-made; hence why there are sooo many religions out there/why there are flaws/why a lot of these religions use fear as a tool to control their followers b/c let's face it... man is imperfect and has that ego which gets in the way. I do believe in a Creator, but I really don't think that Creator has anything to do with our daily lives. My guess is that "God" (or whatever you want to call it) created the Universe and that Earth was a gift where we could do with it what we will; hence why it's so filled with joy and evil at the same time. (Again, it's just a theory).
So even though in real life I'm not a religious person, I do believe The Universe was created by a Higher Being we cannot even begin to wrap our tiny minds around and actually understand. So naturally, even in my dream, I felt the same way yet here I was witnessing - and with my own eyes - a creation of a Universe by human beings and not a supreme being. I was upset, yet fascinated at the same time. All I knew was that what I was witnessing was a fact. It was etched in stone and I had no choice but to accept what man was now capable of doing.
The whole thing was so surreal. It would have been a lot more believable had I been inside some darkened warehouse that was made to LOOK like the Universe. Something like the Space Mountain ride at Walt Disney World, ya know? Lol! But... that wasn't the case here. It was surreal, and felt fake almost, yet there was no arguing that it was in fact very real.
The earlier part of the dream was pretty fuzzy. I was with only one other person and we were on those same stairs, but at a higher level. I didn't see stars or anything here, until I 'launched' myself up and ahead. I really can't explain it. I just remember closing my eyes, and then forcing myself to... fly?... leap ahead? All I know is that when I did this, I could literally feel myself being hurled really fast into space. I didn't like the feeling at all. You could feel it in the pit of your stomach and your entire body. I only did it twice, and I did it only because I don't think I had a choice. I wanted to high-tail it out of there, but I forced myself to go through with it and not think about how terrifying a feeling it was. I didn't want to acknowledge it. I felt safer by not acknowledging it. Also, I think that while I was 'flying' I had a picture in my mind's eye of an astronaut in their white spacesuit. I think I had that image inside my head just because I figured this is what astronaut's felt like when they were out in deep space.
So there ya have it. My strangest dream to date, which I'm very glad was just a dream!